Created by: Emilian Siemsia | 14 May 2020

FriendlyScore Customer Centre: Your Portal to the World of Open Banking

FriendlyScore are pleased to announce the launch of our Customer Centre, which brings the power of open banking analytics directly to your fingertips. Available as a free to use tool on our website, the Customer Centre provides you with a user-friendly dashboard which displays a range of analytical insights into your financial data. All you have to do is connect your account.

In the launch version of Customer Centre, FriendlyScore includes:

  • Account aggregation, which enables you to view data from multiple bank accounts in a single place
  • Summaries of key metrics, such as balance, income and expenditure, updated in real time
  • Breakdown of account transactions, which can be filtered by date

Despite the host of features available in the current version, we aren’t resting on our laurels. Later this year we will be adding a number of other features to the Customer Centre, including graphs to track spending patterns, charts which break down expenditure by category, and creditworthiness scores which detail your credit risk and affordability.

Our aim at FriendlyScore is to provide you with the complete open banking experience, and give you access to the same information a credit underwriter sees. With this information, you can easily identify and correct any perceived shortcomings in creditworthiness, improve your overall financial health, and ultimately qualify for better credit.

Open banking Psd2 Customer centre Financial data aggregation