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How much can your customer borrow?

Verify their income and expenses to level up your affordability assessments. Use real-time data directly from the bank.

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FleetcorIFSThe Co-op Credit UnionMagnitude FinanceDSG Financial ServicesSunshine MobileRental GoodsVorensysIncutoLove FinanceUnity Auto Finance
FleetcorIFSThe Co-op Credit UnionMagnitude FinanceDSG Financial ServicesSunshine MobileRental GoodsVorensysIncutoLove FinanceUnity Auto Finance
FleetcorIFSThe Co-op Credit UnionMagnitude FinanceDSG Financial ServicesSunshine MobileRental GoodsVorensysIncutoLove FinanceUnity Auto Finance
FleetcorIFSThe Co-op Credit UnionMagnitude FinanceDSG Financial ServicesSunshine MobileRental GoodsVorensysIncutoLove FinanceUnity Auto Finance
FleetcorIFSThe Co-op Credit UnionMagnitude FinanceDSG Financial ServicesSunshine MobileRental GoodsVorensysIncutoLove FinanceUnity Auto Finance
FleetcorIFSThe Co-op Credit UnionMagnitude FinanceDSG Financial ServicesSunshine MobileRental GoodsVorensysIncutoLove FinanceUnity Auto Finance

Affordability - what do you get?

Make sure your customers can afford the loan through the automated Affordability tool. Enhance your product with AI-powered affordability calculations that will serve you as support for decision-making processes. Optimize risk decisioning and verify customer data instantly.

Standardized data

Standardized data

Affordability calculations always include accurate, verified data. A granular set of relevant transactions enables you to improve your underwriting processes.

Automated processes

Automated processes

The tool is 100% automated. No developer skills are required, you don’t even need any maths and analytical knowledge. You get valuable insights handed to you on a plate.

Advanced calculations

Advanced calculations

Making data-driven loaning decisions is not just income & expenditure analysis. Improve your decisioning using important metrics and advanced insights.

Fraud protection

Fraud protection

You receive transactional data directly from the bank. You reduce the risk of fraudulent activities and comply with regulations better.

Understand the trend

Affordability is not just about the current situation. It’s a way to better understand your customers and analyze the historical trends, and current months, as well as take a look at predictions of what is likely to happen in the near future.

Standardized calculation

All calculations are based on data sent directly by trusted banks. The data is fully protected and free of manipulation. It’s delivered through the secure API, enabling you to access the customer’s affordability data in minutes, seamlessly with no effort.

Accurate calculations

Accurate calculations

The metrics and categories have been designed with the financial industry in mind. The data is real-time and highly accurate so you can rely on current, up-to-date information.

Data optimization

Data optimization

The Affordability tool instantly detects anomalies in trends and user behavior. This enables you to draw clear, valuable conclusions and make smarter decisions.

HISTORICAL TIME SERIESMONTHLY COMPARISIONBALANCE0AccountConsistencyRegularityLongevitySomewhatconsistentHighlyregular3 months0 breaks638826AccountConsistencyRegularityLongevitySomewhatconsistentHighlyregular3 months0 breaks648625STANDARD AFFORDABILITY WEIGHTINGIncomesExpendituresSaveCancelIncomesExpendituresE-commerceE-commerceSalarySalaryOther income supercategoryOther income supercategoryInsurance PayoutInsurance PayoutCashbackCashback%55%55%12%12%100%100%12%12%11%11

Affordability Customization

Need more? The tool also provides you with a top-notch opportunity to decide about the income and expenditure category weights. Use the predefined category weights or create your own ones to fully meet your internal lending procedures and business goals.

STANDARD AFFORDABILITY WEIGHTINGIncomesExpendituresIncomesExpendituresE-commerceE-commerceSalarySalaryOther income supercategoryOther income supercategoryInsurance PayoutInsurance PayoutCashbackCashback%55%55%12%12%100%100%12%12%11%11

Adjust to your needs

Decide about category weights yourself. Choose income sources and expenditure categories that are crucial for your lending processes and define which ones shouldn’t be considered.

Top Recuring TransactionsEXPENDITURESINCOMES£4,543.00£50.00AccountConsistencyAccountConsistencyRegularityRegularityLongevityLongevitySomewhatconsistentSomewhatconsistentHighlyregularHighlyregular3 months0 breaks3 months0 breaks646387882526SalaryBenefitsWage for John DoeHMRC child benefitMost recent: 9 Jan 2023Most Recent: 10 March 2023Decision£900£2,326.59£2,326.59£2,326.59£2,326.59£2,326.59Balance:Average Income:Average Cost:Net Balance:Fixed Cost:Flexible Cost:£3,543.59£3,543.59£3,543.59£3,543.59£3,543.59IncomeDisposable IncomeRentInsuranceBenefits10 Jun012312 Jun14 Jun16 Jun18 Jun20 Jun22 Jun24 Jun26 Jun28 Jun30 Jun01 Jul03 Jul05 Jul07 JulSTANDARD AFFORDABILITY WEIGHTINGIncomesExpendituresIncomesExpendituresE-commerceE-commerceSalarySalaryOther income supercategoryInsurance PayoutInsurance PayoutCashbackCashback


At any stage, you have full access to both predefined calculations and custom settings with your chosen category weights. See for yourself which settings work better for your business needs.

Top Recuring TransactionsEXPENDITURESINCOMES£4,543.00£50.00AccountConsistencyAccountConsistencyRegularityRegularityLongevityLongevitySomewhatconsistentSomewhatconsistentHighlyregularHighlyregular3 months0 breaks3 months0 breaks646387882526SalaryBenefitsWage for John DoeHMRC child benefitMost recent: 9 Jan 2023Most Recent: 10 March 2023AccountConsistencyRegularityLongevityBank Giro Credit investmentDecision£900£2,326.59£2,326.59£2,326.59£2,326.59£2,326.59Balance:Average Income:Average Cost:Net Balance:Fixed Cost:Flexible Cost:£3,543.59£3,543.59£3,543.59£3,543.59£3,543.59IncomeDisposable IncomeRentInsuranceBenefits10 Jun012312 Jun14 Jun16 Jun18 Jun20 Jun22 Jun24 Jun26 Jun28 Jun30 Jun01 Jul03 Jul05 Jul07 JulHISTORICAL TIME SERIESMONTHLY COMPARISIONBALANCE0

Quality and safety guaranteed

All calculations done by Planky’s Affordability are based on bank-confirmed financial data. There is no chance the data is inaccurate or manipulated by a third party.

Planky solutions means
Accurate, verified data; no human error, real-time access to information

How can Affordability help your business?

Affordability has been designed to improve underwriting processes and help businesses bring their loaning decisions to a brand-new level. See how you can boost your business with our platform.

Better underwriting

Better underwriting

You can quickly and automatically confirm your customer’s affordability and credibility using real-time data confirmed directly by a trusted bank.

Understand your customers better

Understand your customers better

A deep insight into customer’s affordability is a way to get familiar with their income sources and spending habits. Therefore, you can build better customer-oriented products.

Better customer experience

Better customer experience

No struggle and fuss – the entire process is simple, intuitive, and fully automated. Without any coding skills, you gather the necessary data in one click.

Build high-value products

Build high-value products

Affordability allows you to verify the eligibility of your lending products. You can offer high-quality services and improve efficiency at the same time.

Increase sales

Increase sales

Skyrocket your revenue by accepting more applications. Offer your services to more customers that are more likely to convert.

Planky solutions means
Accurate, Customizable & Secure

Designed for developers

Created to start easily

Simple integration comes in pairs with extensive documentation. Planky’s Affordability is a no-code solution that can be easily integrated with your system in minutes.

Invite a CustomerSELECT CUSTOMER TYPEPersonCompanyInvite NewCUSTOMER DATAJohnFirst Namejohn@domain.comEmail000 000 000Phone000 000 000ReferenceDoeLast Name
108642019 JunInvitation Conversion%6113276Invitations Accepted Customer Conversion%49 13276Customers Reports Accepted923 Jun 2020Invite a CustomerSELECT CUSTOMER TYPEPersonCompanyInvite NewCUSTOMER DATAJohnFirst Namejohn@domain.comEmail000 000 000Phone000 000 000ReferenceDoeLast Name

Designed for business

No Code Solution

Affordability can be seamlessly connected in a few clicks. You don’t need developer knowledge or programming skills. You can instantly invite your customers to share their data.

Check how it works

Designed for developers

Powerful and easy-to-use APIs

The integration is just connecting via the simple API. We provide extensive documentation if you want to learn more.

The solution that is leading the way in lending

Book a demo to try out the most innovative tool for affordability check. If you want to start right away, integrate Affordability with your system and start benefiting from it instantly, in one click.

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Explore other Planky products

At Planky, we build products that make the financial processes much easier for our clients. They are designed for both startups and enterprises that need to level up their underwriting operations. Say hello to our high-end portfolio:

Account Check

Account Check

Make sure your customers are what they claim to be. Get an instant confirmation directly from the bank, all legal and secure.



Verify your customers’ banking transactions in seconds, automatically. Get access to bank-confirmed data, verified in real-time, without the risk of manipulation.



Constantly monitor your customers’ expenses in real time. Group transactions based on customized metrics with +95% accuracy. Use over 100 categories.

Learn more about affordability

Interested in our tools and how to maximize your revenue and customer experience? Don’t forget to visit our blog. Here’s a sneak peek of what our latest articles offer:

Friendly Score UK Ltd.

84 Brook Street

London W1K 5EH

Call us on +44 20 3709 6726

Company registered in England

Company number 09168668, ICO ZA111687, VAT registration number 206 9758 80, Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

(FRN: 821100, 781963)


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