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decisioning-engine-iconDecisioning Engine

Make quick, accurate credit decisions, automatically

Discover a seamless way of verifying a customer’s credibility and risk exposure. Build your own decision trees and make better decisions faster.

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FleetcorIFSThe Co-op Credit UnionMagnitude FinanceDSG Financial ServicesSunshine MobileRental GoodsVorensysIncutoLove FinanceUnity Auto Finance
FleetcorIFSThe Co-op Credit UnionMagnitude FinanceDSG Financial ServicesSunshine MobileRental GoodsVorensysIncutoLove FinanceUnity Auto Finance
FleetcorIFSThe Co-op Credit UnionMagnitude FinanceDSG Financial ServicesSunshine MobileRental GoodsVorensysIncutoLove FinanceUnity Auto Finance
FleetcorIFSThe Co-op Credit UnionMagnitude FinanceDSG Financial ServicesSunshine MobileRental GoodsVorensysIncutoLove FinanceUnity Auto Finance
FleetcorIFSThe Co-op Credit UnionMagnitude FinanceDSG Financial ServicesSunshine MobileRental GoodsVorensysIncutoLove FinanceUnity Auto Finance
FleetcorIFSThe Co-op Credit UnionMagnitude FinanceDSG Financial ServicesSunshine MobileRental GoodsVorensysIncutoLove FinanceUnity Auto Finance

Save time on risk assessment tasks

This is Decisioning Engine

Manual credit decisioning requires hours of data analysis. The process is strenuous, time-consuming, and prone to human error. The Decisioning Engine tool automates workflows and operations and makes credit decisions smarter and easier.

Build your own credit rules

Build your own credit rules

Create and set your own conditions and workflows to pull data from various sources. Optimize your decisioning processes effortlessly.

All easy and automated

All easy and automated

Workflows and rules you create are automatically added to all customers’ accounts. No need to waste time copying and adding them from scratch.

Laser-focus precision

Laser-focus precision

No manipulation or human error. The data is accurate and delivered directly from the bank. Credit decisions are fully automated, without any disruptions and uncertainties.

Excellent transparency

Excellent transparency

You get a clear overview of all relevant financial health indicators. No ambiguities or doubts, you see each decision broken down into prime factors.

Based on bank-confirmed data

Based on bank-confirmed data

Credit decisions are made based on accurate information, confirmed, and delivered directly by trusted banks.

Real-time processes

Real-time processes

No delays involved. Credit decisions are made instantly after the financial and transactional data is analyzed, with a few clicks.

How it works

The credit decisioning engine comprises relevant components and metrics to provide fast and accurate lending decisions. This is how the engine works step by step:

Define your products

First, you add the products that need financial data assessment and credit decisioning. Make sure you add all financial products and services you offer to your customers.

Define proper conditions and decisioning rules

Each financial product can have its own set of rules and conditions. You can simply and quickly define customer statuses such as ‘Pass’ (positive decision), ‘Refer’ (needs further review), and ‘Reject’ (application rejected).

Get an automated credit decision in seconds

Every time new data input is uploaded, the predefined rules recalculate the numbers. The system uses insights from data analytics to make informed lending decisions and approve, reject, or refer applications for further review.

Top Recuring TransactionsEXPENDITURESINCOMES£4,543.00£50.00AccountConsistencyAccountConsistencyRegularityRegularityLongevityLongevitySomewhatconsistentSomewhatconsistentHighlyregularHighlyregular3 months0 breaks3 months0 breaks646387882526SalaryBenefitsWage for John DoeHMRC child benefitMost recent: 9 Jan 2023Most Recent: 10 March 2023£1,000.00AccountConsistencyRegularityLongevitySomewhatconsistentHighlyregular3 months0 breaks648625InvestmentBank Giro Credit investmentMost Recent: 10 March 2023Decision£900£2,326.59£2,326.59£2,326.59£2,326.59£2,326.59Balance:Average Income:Average Cost:Net Balance:Fixed Cost:Flexible Cost:£3,543.59£3,543.59£3,543.59£3,543.59£3,543.59IncomeDisposable IncomeRentInsuranceBenefits10 Jun012312 Jun14 Jun16 Jun18 Jun20 Jun22 Jun24 Jun26 Jun28 Jun30 Jun01 Jul03 Jul05 Jul07 JulProduct ABCProduct GHIProduct ABCProduct ABCProduct GHIProduct ABCORORPassProduct ABCCondition #1Condition #2Balance equals 1000Average income equals 1000Average income equals 1000

Define your products

First, you add the products that need financial data assessment and credit decisioning. Make sure you add all financial products and services you offer to your customers.

Define proper conditions and decisioning rules

Each financial product can have its own set of rules and conditions. You can simply and quickly define customer statuses such as ‘Pass’ (positive decision), ‘Refer’ (needs further review), and ‘Reject’ (application rejected).

Get an automated credit decision in seconds

Every time new data input is uploaded, the predefined rules recalculate the numbers. The system uses insights from data analytics to make informed lending decisions and approve, reject, or refer applications for further review.

We’ve got all financial products covered

Decisioning Engine is a comprehensive tool that may be used for any financial product. Add as many products as you need, using over 150 variables to classify and analyze customers’ bank transactions.

Automatically and transparently assign your financial products to your customers, based on accurate transactional data and customers’ spending behaviors.



Car leasing

Car leasing

Personal loan

Personal loan

Manage your products easily

With Planky Decisioning Engine, managing your financial products is a snap. It enables you to test products before they are launched and introduced to be used by underwriters. You can also activate and deactivate your products based on your current offer.

Top Recuring TransactionsEXPENDITURESINCOMES£4,543.00£50.00AccountConsistencyAccountConsistencyRegularityRegularityLongevityLongevitySomewhatconsistentSomewhatconsistentHighlyregularHighlyregular3 months0 breaks3 months0 breaks646387882526SalaryBenefitsWage for John DoeHMRC child benefitMost recent: 9 Jan 2023Most Recent: 10 March 2023£1,000.00AccountConsistencyRegularityLongevitySomewhatconsistentHighlyregular3 months0 breaks648625InvestmentBank Giro Credit investmentMost Recent: 10 March 2023Decision£900£2,326.59£2,326.59£2,326.59£2,326.59£2,326.59Balance:Average Income:Average Cost:Net Balance:Fixed Cost:Flexible Cost:£3,543.59£3,543.59£3,543.59£3,543.59£3,543.59IncomeDisposable IncomeRentInsuranceBenefits10 Jun012312 Jun14 Jun16 Jun18 Jun20 Jun22 Jun24 Jun26 Jun28 Jun30 Jun01 Jul03 Jul05 Jul07 JulChoose the decision rules option
DECISION RULESYour Products:Test onlyProduct ABCProduct DEFProduct GHIAdd New ProductCreate, edit and delete your products
Match ANY ConditionsMatch ANY ConditionsEnable productTest onlyProduct DEFADD PRODUCT | DECISION RULESELSEPass IfRefer ifRejectSave new productCancelAdd conditionAdd conditionif the above conditions are not met, it will be rejectedAdd new ruleRemove contitionCondition 1IndicatirBalanceConditionEqualsValue1000Set your own rules for each product

Planky solutions means
No code, Simple & Secure Automated credit decisions

Why choose Planky Decisioning Engine

Decisioning Engine provides you with an opportunity to dive deeply into your applicants’ spending habits and understand their creditworthiness better.

Building decision trees is easy as 1, 2, 3.
You can choose out of over 150 variables.
Credit decisions are presented in a form that is perfectly understandable and intuitive for underwriters.

How Decisioning Engine can boost your business

Making credit decisions should be a quick and seamless process that cannot be manipulated or prone to human errors. Planky Decisioning Engine is a powerful platform that reduces underwriting time and enables businesses to accept more creditworthy applications in a shorter time.

This is how we help our clients revolutionize their businesses:

Quickly and easily pull data from various sources.

Use an intelligent scoring system for better and faster credit decisions.

Assign weight to data and rank each applicant in seconds.

Understand your customers and their spending habits better.

Accelerate operations and eliminate human error.

Boost efficiency and reduce operational costs.

Approve more creditworthy applicants while taking less risk.

Automatically analyze transactions, build solid risk profiles, and make better-informed risk decisions.

Designed for developers

Created to start easily

No more manual processes thanks to the Planky Decisioning Engine. The tool is intuitive to use and simple. It can be integrated with your existing systems in a few clicks so that you can make smarter credit decisions in seconds, not days.

Invite a CustomerSELECT CUSTOMER TYPEPersonCompanyInvite NewCUSTOMER DATAJohnFirst Namejohn@domain.comEmail000 000 000Phone000 000 000ReferenceDoeLast Name
108642019 JunInvitation Conversion%6113276Invitations Accepted Customer Conversion%49 13276Customers Reports Accepted923 Jun 2020Invite a CustomerSELECT CUSTOMER TYPEPersonCompanyInvite NewCUSTOMER DATAJohnFirst Namejohn@domain.comEmail000 000 000Phone000 000 000ReferenceDoeLast Name

Designed for business

No Code Solution

Analyze transactional data and build your own decision trees without any programming knowledge. Access customer information and invite your customers to share their data safely.

Check how it works

Designed for developers

Powerful and easy-to-use APIs

Our API integration is simple and quick. It allows you to pull out dozens of data points on your applicants and optimize your decisioning workflows according to your needs.

Discover the power of instant credit decisioning

With our Decisioning Engine, underwriting possibilities are endless. Easily handle thousands of credit decisioning processes and workflows in one simple dashboard. Build your own workflows and unleash the potential of smart business decisions.

Get Started

Explore other Planky products

We offer comprehensive products to make your financial processes easier and smoother. The portfolio of Planky services allows businesses to accept more loan applications in a shorter time and increase the number of creditworthy customers without extra effort.

Account Check

Account Check

Verify your customer’s identity automatically, without any human interaction. Monitor their credibility and financial health using data confirmed directly by the bank.



Dive deeper into your customers’ transactional data. Monitor their spending habits and discover trends and patterns to make better credit decisions.



Collect transactional data from the bank and group it into over 100 categories. Understand your customers and their spending behavior better.

Be up to date with technological news

Interested in our tools and how to maximize your revenue and customer experience? Don’t forget to visit our blog. Here’s a sneak peek of what our latest articles offer:

Friendly Score UK Ltd.

84 Brook Street

London W1K 5EH

Call us on +44 20 3709 6726

Company registered in England

Company number 09168668, ICO ZA111687, VAT registration number 206 9758 80, Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

(FRN: 821100, 781963)


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